About Us
Spinal Technology
Spinal Technology is the global leader in the design and custom fabrication of Spinal Orthoses, for the stabilization, immobilization, and the correction of various abnormalities of the spine. Specializing in the treatment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis, we employ the latest technologies and methods for treating each and every patient. Medical experts around the world depend on our expertise for the assessment of patient curvature, the blueprinting of x-rays, the design of each orthosis, and the x-ray evaluation of patients in-brace. We continuously maintain expertise in various scoliosis bracing methodologies, and remain on the forefront of research and development. Our clinical team proudly supports the medical community with advanced educational courses and seminars, along with the dedicated teaching and resources we deliver to various colleges and universities. At Spinal Technology, we believe that sharing our knowledge, and absorbing that of others, is the most effective way to advance the treatment and care for all patients.

Celebrating More Than Thirty Years In Business
Thank you to all our customers worldwide, it has been a pleasure to work with you throughout the years.
Leading through innovation for over 30 years

Spinal Technology was founded in 1991 by Jim Tierney. Over 40 years ago, Jim began his career in Orthotics and Prosthetics at Children’s Hospital in Boston, where he earned the admiration and confidence of physicians, whom he assisted in managing patients with scoliosis and kyphosis diagnoses.
Highly skilled, and specializing in the design, fabrication, and fitting of spinal bracing, Jim saw a need to advance the standard for high quality spinal orthoses, and to further the development and effectiveness of scoliosis bracing. Jim’s mission was to cultivate partnerships with leading practitioners and medical centers in the field, and while utilizing the most advanced research and development tools available, continuously drive new concepts and innovations for the benefit of patients around the world. From this foundation, Spinal Technology has become the leader in Custom Scoliosis and Spinal Orthotics fabrication. Using the latest 3D scanning and CAD/CAM technology, along with advanced modification techniques and team of experts, Spinal Technology has led the industry and set the standard for the highest level of patient care.

Dedicated Customer Service
At Spinal Technology, we deliver custom fabrication services to practitioners across the United States and around the world. With two facilities located in the United States – West Yarmouth, Massachusetts and Louisville – Kentucky, Spinal Technology is positioned to provide practitioners with unparalleled service, that includes delivery of our custom spinal braces within 24 hours and, in some cases, the same-day.
There’s a simple reason that Spinal Technology is a leader in custom spinal orthotics. Advanced research, coupled with our highly experienced manufacturing staff and dedicated customer service, has ensured that our orthotics consistently meet your highest expectations.
We work hard to cultivate a true partnership with practitioners like you, to provide you with the service and top-quality fabrications you expect and your patients deserve.
We provide 24 hour support, 365 days a year, for thousands of medical practitioners and their patients. Our team consists of American Board Certified Orthotists, highly skilled & experienced technicians, and dedicated Customer Service experts. Together we’re focused on providing Orthotists and their patients with the most effective spinal orthoses, contributing to positive outcomes and enhancing quality of life.
Spinal Technology is the exclusive manufacturer of the Providence Nocturnal Scoliosis® System, a night-time bracing system designed to prevent the progression of adolescent idiopathic scoliosis (AIS) and the patented Flex Foam® Body Brace design spinal orthosis. In addition, Spinal Technology fabricates a myriad of other custom-designed orthoses to meet patient specifications.
Innovative Product Development

The SpinalTech3D™ Scan App
Spinal Technology was the first in our industry to develop an easy to use app for practitioners.
Our SpinalTech3D™ Scan app refines the process of ordering custom spinal orthoses from Spinal Technology be electronically integrating scans, images and practitioners instructions into our custom spinal and orthometry forms.

The Providence Nocturnal Scoliosis® Orthosis
The patient wears the Providence® nocturnal orthosis while sleeping. The Providence® orthosis eliminates the social stigma of having to wear a full-time, full coverage brace to school and lets kids be kids.
Spinal Technology is the exclusive manufacturer of the Providence Nocturnal Scoliosis® System.

We're proud that all our products

Accreditation and Affiliations
Our practitioners on staff are accredited by the American Board for Certification in Orthotics, Prosthetics and Pedorthics; and members of the American Orthotic and Prosthetic Association.
Sales and Orders
P: 800-253-7868
F: 888-775-0588
Hours of Operation
8:30 AM – 9:00 PM (EST)
• Order by 9 PM (EST) for UPS* Next Day orders
Extended Service Hours
10:00 AM – 7:00 PM (EST)
• Sunday delivery available, subject to flight schedule
• UPS Next Day orders for delivery on Monday
Extended Service Hours
10:00 AM – 5:00 PM (EST)
• Same day or Monday delivery based on time order placed, flight availability & courier
Extended Service Hours
10:00 AM – 7:00 PM (EST)
• Same day or Next Day delivery based on time order placed, flight availability & courier
* Check UPS Saturday delivery availability in your area
Track your UPS shipment.
Mailing Address
Corporate Offices
191 Mid Tech Drive
West Yarmouth, MA 02673
Kentucky Location
8075 National Turnpike
Louisville, KY 40214