Thank you for your interest in our patient resources. This packet was designed specifically for Scoliosis Month but is mostly relevant for any time. You can click on any image below and print the pdf.
Please email if you have any other requests.

We have updated our Scoliosis Awareness Month Resource Book to include coloring pages, information about your scoliosis orthosis, books, mentor groups and more. Click on the image to download your printable copy. Use hashtags #StrongerThanTheCurve if you post any of your colored pictures. You can tag us on Instagram too.

Click the image to download and print out this coloring page. Be sure to take a picture of your finished product and tag on Instagram.

Click on the image to download and print out this worksheet. Use words to describe how you feel as a scoliosis warrior. Take a picture of the finished product and tag on Instagram.

Spinal Technology is proud to sponsor Higgy Bears and support their mission of making scoliosis "bearable." We have partnered together to bring you this packet of resources and letters from patients. Click on the image to download the full packet to print out.

Bracing for Scolios-us has a mentor program and a custom brace journal to help you through your scoliosis journey. Whether you want to connect with bracers in a support group, find a custom brace to fit your favorite stuffed animal, or follow other bracers' journeys, Scolios-us has got you covered. Click the image for more information.