Providence® Nocturnal Scoliosis Orthosis - Medical Studies
See the published medical studies on the success of the Providence® Nocturnal Scoliosis Orthosis.

European Spine Journal
– Providence nighttime bracing is effective in treatment for adolescent idiopathic scoliosis even in curves larger than 35°
Ane Simony, Inge Beuschau, Lena Quisth, Stig Mindadahl Jespersen, Leah Yaccat Carreon, Mikkel Osterheden Andersen
European Spine Journal, September 2019, Volume 28, Issue 9

Spine Journal
– Nighttime Bracing With the Providence Brace in Adolescent Girls With Idiopathic Scoliosis
Charles Roland d’Amato, MD, FRCS(C), Sean Griggs, MD, and Barry McCoy, MEd, CPO
Spine Journal, September 15, 2001, Volume 26, Issue 18