Scoliosis Bracing Education for Practitioners
Spinal Technology holds several courses throughout the U.S. each year that address spinal bracing for patients with Scoliosis. Our objective is to educate practitioners on the most recent advancements in scoliosis brace fabrication and methodologies, measuring and 3D scanning to help them achieve the best spinal correction for their patients.
Our expertise is unique, we are one of the largest central fabricators of custom spinal orthoses for scoliosis, we fabricate thousands of braces for a variety of different scoliotic spinal curve types per year- these courses are designed to help practitioners that might not see the variety or volume of curve types in their practice address the best solution for the specific curve type of each patient.
Spinal Technology is a leader in central fabrication for custom Spinal Orthoses for patients requiring stabilization, immobilization and correction of the spine. Our staff consists of American Board Certified Orthotists and highly skilled & experienced technicians. Together we’re focused on providing orthotists and their patients with highly effective spinal orthoses that contribute to positive outcomes and quality of life.

Our Advanced Methodologies
for Full-Time Scoliosis Bracing course covers the latest in brace blueprinting and design, 3D scanning, fabrication and spinal curve x-ray evaluation to ensure the best patient outcome.
These courses are presented online as webinars and on-location classroom presentations.
Animated sequence showing a Full Time Scoliosis Orthosis on a Thoracolumbar Curve as it corrects the spinal curve.
Our Courses
We offer two popular classes one for Full-Time Scoliosis bracing and one for our Providence Nocturnal Scoliosis® System for night-time bracing.
Advanced Methodologies of Full-Time Scoliosis Bracing
This course provides an in-depth review of the clinical treatment of Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis (AIS), and presents recent advancements in the design and methodology of full-time orthoses. Attendees will be educated on the effective approaches to 3D scanning, brace design, blueprinting, fabrication, evaluation and fitting and adjustments. Proper measuring techniques to ensure better bracing and patient outcomes will also be discussed.
Providence Nocturnal Scoliosis® System
This course instructs orthotists on the use of a nocturnal orthotic system for the non-surgical treatment of adolescent idiopathic, juvenile and neuromuscular scoliosis. The program will educate on how to satisfactorily address the needs of patients via thorough review of scoliosis principles and the use of innovative technology to optimize fit, comfort and compliance while stopping curve progression in a nocturnal only setting.
Our classes are held at national and regional O&P conferences, medical colleges and children’s hospitals that educate orthotists and/or treat scoliosis patients. Both classes are certified for CEU credits from the American Board for Certification in Orthotics and Prosthetics for eligible practitioners.

Providence Nocturnal Scoliosis®System Course
The Providence® orthosis course brings practitioners through a clear explanation of this revolutionary nocturnal scoliosis brace, its development, application and efficacy.
Barry McCoy, C.P.O.
Course Credits
Continuing Education Units are available from the American Board of Certification (ABC) in Orthotics and Prosthetics towards each Full-time and Providence® Course.
2(S) CEUs - Advanced Methodologies of Full-Time Scoliosis Bracing
4(S) CEUs - Providence Nocturnal Scoliosis® System
(*as appropriate to practitioners' discipline)