Full Time Scoliosis Orthosis - Wear and Care
Your custom Full Time scoliosis brace is designed to provide you with secure, comfortable spinal support. The information below – along with the specific guidance from your orthotist – will tell you what to expect when using your spinal orthosis.
Follow your health care providers’ instructions carefully to use this device safely and effectively; this document is designed to give you general wear and care instructions. Please take the time to read this information carefully. Always contact your orthotist if you have any questions.
Donning The Brace

Step 1
Have the child open the brace and place around their waist.
The waist pads located inside should help them position the brace properly. The waist pads should rest between the top of their hipbone and their lowest rib (waist).
Make sure the waist pads on each side of the brace are properly located and the orthosis is centered at the midline of their spine.

Step 2
With the brace properly positioned in the waist, tighten the middle strap to secure the brace, then proceed to progressively tighten all straps.
Straps should be tightened to reach the goals or targets as instructed by your orthotist. Patients who are new to bracing, may need some assistance in applying the orthosis.
Parents or Caregivers, should assist in making sure all wearing instructions and strap tensions are accurately being applied. Consult your orthotist for additional guidance as needed.

Step 3
Most spinal braces have a tendency to migrate upward. A slight change in the location of the spinal brace is expected after having been seated or lying down. Be sure the straps on the orthosis are secured firmly enough to avoid migration.
Proper Strap Tension
Straps should be tightened so the brace is snug and secured in the desired position. If the orthosis is worn too loose, allowing for excessive shifting and movement, you may experience rubbing and discomfort. Cornstarch or alcohol may be helpful for irritated skin. Do not use lotions or moisturizers under the orthosis, as that can lead to skin irritation and breakdown. Follow your Orthotists instructions on achieving the optimal strap tension. New brace wearers may need time to adjust, and your orthotist may set goals for progressive tightening.
The orthosis can be cleaned with soap and warm water or rubbing alcohol. Be sure to thoroughly rinse any soap/detergents off and dry the orthosis before donning.
Comfort Tips
Always wear your spinal brace over a cotton T-shirt that provides coverage in all of the contact areas of the brace. Try to keep the fabric smooth against skin and avoid fabric wrinkles or bunching. Feel free to change your T-shirt halfway through the day to increase your comfort.
Areas of Redness
Some minor surface redness is common and should dissipate quickly. Check for localized redness after each wearing period and before continuing with the break-in schedule. If redness, irritation persists call your orthotist for adjustments.
Break-in Procedure
Begin use of the brace with an initial wearing period of one half-hour. If you find no problems or have no questions, you may safely double each wearing period.
For example, ½ hour to 1 hour, 1 hour to 2 hours, 2 hours to 4 hours etc.
Your orthotist will give you instructions on how many hours per day you should be wearing the orthosis for best results.
Follow-up care
Follow-up visits with your Physician and Orthotist are vital for your healing – don’t skip any scheduled appointments. Adjustments for fit and function can be made by appointment with your orthotist.